Friday, January 13, 2017

January 13, 2017 - First Day in the Village

We started our morning out with devotions on the Great Commission.  During this time we reflected on how sometimes it tends to be the Great Omission as we sometimes fall short of spreading the gospel.  We were challenged to share it both at home and in foreign countries.  For those of us who attend Dorr CRC this message was very familiar for us as our own church is striving to reach out to those in our community and surrounding areas.  

It was then time to load the vans and head to the village.  For those experienced in this trip, it was a nice surprise to find that our ride to the village was only 15 minutes away this year.  The village we are in is over the mountain behind Paul's house.  We were warmly welcomed with hugs and smiles from lots of kids when we arrived.  The building process went well and we were able to complete 4 homes today and started a 5th before heading back home.  The most challenging part of the day was digging the holes for the posts as the ground was HARD.  We had a few families help out with the building of their homes.....they are so willing to help and so proud to contribute.  

VBS was also held in the local church with tons of kids in attendance.  There were many smiles and laughs coming from that building.  

As we were wrapping up our day and heading back to the vans, we were filling our water bottles and shared a cup of ice cold water with one of the families.  The look of joy on their faces as they tasted our ice cold clean water was humbling as we take it for granted.  We decided to refill their glasses and fill their pitchers with what water we had was a win win situation as we had an empty jug to carry back and they had good clean water.

We're looking forward to tomorrow night as we will be hosting Joselin (the girl that we sponsor) and her family for dinner.  Please pray that our time together can be a blessing for both them and us. Since meeting Joselin last year, she has become more than just a girl we sponsor in another country, she has become more like family to us. 

Thanks for all your prayers,
Randy, Michelle, and Rachael Bosse

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