Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday, January 18 :)

Home dedication today and there aren't enough words in ANY language to describe the feelings that come from this experience! God is good. All the time. This is specifically one of those times that only the phrase "it is more blessed to give than to receive" is appropriate. I'll try to summarize the experience, forgive me if I stumble with emotions blog style:

We arrived with housewarming gifts for the 15 home owners and their families. Our intent was to pray with the families, ask them if they know Christ as their personal savior, present the gospel appropriately, provide home supply gifts including adult and child geared spanish Bibles, share a picture of their home sponsors (whomever from the USA paid for the building supplies) and sing the benediction in their native tongue. The experience was distinctly different at each home. The second home our group dedicated with the family received Christ for the first time ~ to witness that step of faith knowing I likely won't meet them again until Heaven left me both in tears of gratitude and completely speechless at the handiwork of the Spirit in that place. Another family, already Christians, were so grateful for God answering their prayers for a home that they couldn't stop crying and thanking. They confidently exclaimed God will continually bless us so we can continue to bless others generously. A third home supplied us with homemade lunch and pop, an expense they I'm very doubtfull they could afford.

We followed each home dedication up with a little fiesta - well just fireworks and cheering :) Isn't the fattened calf supposed to be cooked for celebration after the lost son returns home? We'll continue to pray for these families to be blessed in their home and in their faith walk, whatever that might be, for many years to come. Please join us in that endeavor knowing all of this transpired on God's strength not ours and He can do amazing things (I would've mucked things up quite nicely if left alone!).

Tomorrow we depart the mission home at 3am and, Lord willing, hope to be back to church in Moline by about midnight. Please pray for travel safety and health - we're eager to return to our families renewed and ready to share the details!
~ Michelle Vonk (the newbie)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sorry about not having a post yesterday. It has been very busy and we forgot. I will try to combine both yesterday's and today's together.

Monday started out by going back to the village to put the fronts on the houses and hang the windows and doors. All of the concrete work had been finished in the houses by the families. It is our understanding that the families are encouraged to get involved by doing their own concrete if they are able. There was also a group doing Bible school with the children while the houses were being finished.

I went with a few people to do one of my favorite It's not the shopping that I love so much but where we go to do it that I love. We went to the local market in Chimaltenango to purchase the gifts for the families receiving the houses. I love this market because it is a real taste of life in Guatemala. The women go there to purchase a chicken still alive, or purchase their vegetables, or some raw meat or fish. There are hundreds of locals selling their wares and it is fascinating. There is uniqueness to the sights, the sounds and of course the smells. We have a couple of vendors in the market that we go to every year, Mirna and Jose, and they know us now by sight. They see us and there are smiles on their faces. (Might be because they are going to have a really good day in sales.) But they do know us and we know them as well.

From the local market we went to another local market to get more fruit for the team. Then it was on Economica, the local Family Fare, to purchase soap and other things for the families.

Today, we split the team up and had a group go to the local Bible Seminary to work on a building project that they have going. The group that worked there worked really hard I am told. They spent the day laying part of the foundation and then backfilling around it. They were all tired at the end of the day.

The remaining ones in the group went to Amor Del Nino to play with the kids at that orphanage. When we got there the older children were off to school so we played with the younger ones and held the babies. Lots of hugging of those beautiful children. After the older children had arrived home and had some lunch, we did some Bible school with them. Mily our translator told the story of Jesus entry into Jerusalem. After hearing the story, the children had a parade with streamers and lots of singing.

After getting back from the orphanage and the seminary we went to a local church in El Tejar to pass out clothing and food to the people of the church. I am always amazed and humbled by how grateful they are for a bag of food and a few clothing items.

Tonight after our dinner, we had Mily's parents do some singing for us and they told us some of their story. They were fun to listen to and it was very interesting to hear their story.

It was a great day again. God has blessed us over and over again throughout this week. We thank all of you back at home for all of your prayers. We give all the glory to God for such a great experience this week.

Love you all and miss you.

P.S. Hoping you have lots of snow to greet us when we get home. (That part might only be from part of our team.)


Monday, January 16, 2012

Sunday - Jan 16

Another awesome day! The day started out with another wonderful breakfast from our wonderful cooks!!! We then had a time of worship with alot of singing. Braden spoke on the topic of prayer from Colosians 4. He challenged each of us in our prayer walk. We can do nothing on our own but only with Christ's help. We then paired up and spent time sharing and praying for each other over issues that we needed to turn over to God. We then went on the roof top and sang Amazing Grace. It was a powerful service.

The day started out cool and cloudy but by the time we arrived in Antiqua the sun started to burn through. We had a wonderful dinner at our traditional restaurant with a lot of good fellowship. The group has been a real blessing and everyone has gotten along wonderfully. After dinner everyone went shopping and had an enjoyable time.

After arriving back at the Mission House we began to prepare for the local church to arrive for a night of supper and worship. Several weeks ago at our last meeting, Dave and Donna ask if our preferce was to go to Lake Attilan on Sunday or go to Antiqua. If we went to the lake, we would not be back in time to have the local church come to the Mission House. We think we made the right choice!!

We don't know how many people were here but it had to be close to 100. There was plenty of food as always and a lot of wonderful fellowship. We then all gathered upstairs for worship. We sang a number of songs and then shared communion with our brothers and sisters in the Lord. It was an amazing service and reinforced that we serve a Great God.

Praise God that Brandon Ebenstein was healthy again and able to get out of the Mission House for the first time. Pray for continued health and safety and that we can be a blessing to those we come in contact with.

Randy and Luanne Ellens

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Another beautiful day in Guatemala. The day started with devotions led by Randy Ellens on living 'in Christ' and leaving a legacy. Since we accomplished so much building yesterday, the pressure was off a little today. When we arrived this morning many of the new casa owners had their concrete floors completed. All 15 homes were constructed up to floors and front walls by the end of the afternoon.

Bible School met in a church building several blocks from construction sites. There was concern that not many children would be there because it was down the street from their homes, but after doing some 'canvassing' on the curbside much like Ceasars Pizza man we soon had over 35 children. After Mily led some "aerobic" singing she told the story of Noah's and God's promise. The story was visualized with a flannelgraph and was followed up with coloring etc. We sent them off with a tortilla rolled up with Nutella and then took a lunch break. At 2:00 we started again with lots of singing and games reinforcing the Noah story. We finished with small family groubs of children, praying over them by name. It is difficult to describe the affection you experience from these children as they cuddle up to you to hear a story. No wonder our Jesus was/is so drawn to them.

We were back to the mission house by 5:00, quite early. All of Max's family, including Eswardo and Ruth, were able to join us for another delicious dinner from the cooks. Tonight we are unpacking the supplies for distribution next week, all precious gifts from our friends back home. There are a few games going on here and there, along with some deeper conversations we seldom take time for back home.

It has been like a graceful dance we have enjoyed as a family of God since our start here. There is no meaningful substitute for the family of God when all our thoughts are directed toward him.

submitted by Don & Mary Westhouse

Friday, January 13, 2012

January 13: Day 1

Greetings Family and Friends,
We all arrived to the mission house safely yesterday. Customs all went well and we found our "Luggage Angel" at the airport again!! Travel from the airport to the mission house all went well also.

We began our Friday morning with a devotions from Dave and Donna Westhouse talking about our theme for the week. "Roots, Shoots, and Fruits." We all broke off into small groups and talked about what being rooted in Christ really means.

After a little singing and devotions we headed off to the village for our first day of work. For those of you that went last year, we are working very close to the village we did last year right by the beautiful volcano. We were able to see one or two of the kids from last year.

After arriving, we began by getting to know the families that we were building the homes for and praying with them over the work site. By the end of the day today we have nine houses built, the 10th started and cement started in two. Great way to start off the week :)

Throughout the day we were all able to make some new friends and really get to know the families that we are working for. How ever, we were not able to do a Bible school lesson with the kids because of not having much space. Max and Juan were able to get us into a church in the village tomorrow to do a lesson with all the kids. We were able to do many activities with the kids today which they all enjoyed very much. All of the kids were so grateful when receiving something as small as a sticker. The many smiles on the kids faces put a joy in my heart and makes me realize how blessed i really am. I gave a little boy some hand sanitizer today and when I saw him sharing the one thing that I had given him, I told him, Thank you for sharing with them. After having held him for about 45 minutes, he insisted I put him down and as I watched him run to all his friends to share with his many friends, he just about put me in tears. To see that little boy, with so little, share the one thing he had gotten from me with all his friends, he put a big smile on my face!!

Thank you all for the many prayers, we can definately feel them and have seen answeres to many of them already!! Hope you all are doing well at home. Miss you all!

Written by: Stacy Westhouse

P.S. Braden Kok wants you all to know, He is the sword master with the balloons :)