Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Hola from Guatemala!

A lot of different jobs were done today, one of which was going down to My Dream Center, an after-school feeding center for 70 kids around the city. While we were there, we helped cut up produce for their lunches, served them, helped them brush their teeth, and did crafts with them. It was amazing to watch these wonderful kids go through their routine, while being so excited to see us. They even told us "thank you" (yes, in ENGLISH!) Before the chicken bus came to pick them up to take them home, they sang three or four songs for us (also in English!). It was so sweet and it made us tear up. To end the great day, they made sure to give us hugs before they got on the bus. Being a preschool teacher at home, it was wonderful to experience how classes are done here in Guatemala, and I can't wait to share it with the kids back home. God is so good and is everywhere. Especially in the smallest kids in Guatemala.   -Paige Merrill

This evening we had the opportunity to serve members of the Guatemalan community at a local church. At the church we distributed food and goods to about 100 families in need. The food that we provided will supplement a family's diet for about a month. To begin the evening off, we were introduced by the pastor. He said a few words, and then Duane Door and John King said a few words and a prayer. Both the pastor and the members of our group who spoke had it translated by a young man so that everyone was able to interact and understand. The pastor expressed that he was more than grateful to have us there to help support members of his church and his community. We formed a line with tables behind us so that we would be able to talk and interact with each of the individuals personally. To each person we said, "Dios de bendiga" which means "God Bless You". It was a great opportunity to share the love of Christ with individuals who may not have had any interaction with the Christian Faith previously. As people went through the line, we received many hugs, handshakes and even some kisses! It was very evident to me that God was present in that church tonight. - Josh Lackey

'Amazing' can only begin to capture what the entire day and God had in store for us and me.  Miah Grassmid started today with a devotion, that seemed to be directed toward each one of us individually, with a reminder and elaboration from Adam Jager's devotion of making this trip mean just as much to us as it did to those families we were serving.
We loaded the vans and headed out to start a profound journey to the Tejar dump.  We found ourselves choked up and teary-eyed, and I'd like to say it was from the smoke from the burning rubble, but from a sense of compassion for the work being done and God providing for those who needed it.  Families, from little children to their parents, scavenged through the trash for clothes to wear and materials to support their families.  We passed out food to those working and united in prayer to give thanks, ask for special attentions and reinforce the need to always find God's hand in all of His splendors.  This experience was an eye opening opportunity to remind us of how we need to appreciate all of His blessings, give thanks for all the family and friends that enter our lives, and to continue to seek ways to serve.  We then headed to the village to continue our work on the homes and enjoy the companionship of the families we were helping.
This van ride then became that enlightenment I was seeking on this journey along with serving, the reflection of how God has always been present and has guided my life throughout good times and bad (Thank you Mary Jo). It was only fitting at dinner that I sat at the end of the long table to be able to look down and see the faces of my Guatemala family that were only strangers less than a week ago.  30 some individuals of different ages, backgrounds and different stories united by a single decision to share God's word and story of simply being kind.  I cannot express the gratitude to have been invited and called to join them on this journey of serving, but will be forever in debt for the inclusion of a "lost boy" (in more ways than just not knowing how to find Moline). Miah's selection of the song 'Mighty to Save' couldn't have been more appropriate for the entire day, start to finish,  to sum up my heavy heart: "Everyone needs compassion, a love that's never failing . . . So take me as you find me. All my fears and failures and fill my life again . . . He is Mighty to Save!"  Blessed, humbled and grateful for #Guatemala2016 and all the moments and incredible people God shared with me.  -Eddie Taylor

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