Hi to friends and spiritual family of Moline CRC,
God filled this day with many more blessings, as He has since we've been in Guatemala. I'm reporting for the group that went to Guatemala Bible Seminary. We were involved with many work projects around the campus in the dorms, cafeteria, and classroom building. Also, we had the opportunity to mingle with the students who started a new semester just today. I had the opportunity to attend chapel and hear testimonies from many students. Did I understand the language? Not much, but I understood the passion and love for Jesus that came from their hearts. I also had the opportunity to teach a class to the new students. They had a deep commitment to knowing their Bibles and asking tough questions about following their Savior, Jesus Christ. We are really growing in our partnership with this Bible school. We have great relationships with many faculty members. I hope to share more about this part of the Guatemala ministry, especially in our support to the students and faculty through prayer and financial commitments. May God bless us together as we seek to serve Him. Pastor John
Half the group went to Love the Child orphanage. The needs there were great with the many children that need attention. There are sixteen babies from 1month to 1year. Many toddlers and older children who all wanted our attention. We believe there are 50 total children living there at this time. Judy, Helen, Shannon, Melanie, Tonya, ,Debbie, and Curt all had there arms full holding the little ones.The others played with the toddlers, and older children coloring, playdoh,games, blowing bubbles, and pushing the kids on the swings.
The smiles of these beautiful children just melt your hearts and you could not help but to smile back. The staff is dealing with sick children at this time. There was a need to paint the dining room so Brad, Rob, Randy, Dave and Dellen all stepped up to the plate to paint. Most of it made it on the walls. Jose and Hannah were there waiting to greet us and Hannah lit up when she saw Nate!!!! Jordan Ritsema had quite the group of girls hanging on him by the end of the day. The girls enjoyed pushing some of the children in the hammocks.
It was a blessed and joyous day. May God continue to bless Steve and Cheryls mission!
Kim and Debbie
Hi Debbie and Kim!!! I'm so happy to hear your all doing well and it sounds like your getting a lot done. I have been checking out the blog a few times a day to see if any new posts are up. I love reading them. Stay safe and talk to you soon. Love ya, Kathi