Today was a great day. We were basically done with all the buildings before today so we could concentrate on the dedications today without distraction. We are so blessed to have so many people back at home who have made the commitment financially to sponsor homes. I wished so much you could see the look on the faces during the dedication. The hugs that they give, the tears that they shed, and the fact that several people in the village committed their life to the Lord made it all worth while.
The fact that there are so many people and faces that after today will become a memory in our hearts makes it a bittersweet day. But I think lives have been changed both North and South of the border. We will all go home wondering why God has blessed us so much while so many people work so hard for such a meager existence. We will think of the ladies spending every day grinding out corn and making tortillas. We will think of the children running down the rocky hills barefoot and of the kids who look about five years old carrying their brother or sister around on their back. We will think of the men and women carrying bundles of logs and sticks on their back which we found out later we could barely lift. We will think of the 87 year old lady who lived at the bottom of the hill who broke her hip three months ago and is still having a great deal of pain. We will think of the tears shed by both the natives and the gringos as they get the Bible, the prayer shawl, and the other housewarming gifts.
We have been so blessed over the last week that words cannot express it. Those who have to go home and try to explain it to their friends and family who are not here have a difficult task. The people met in the village, the taste of the dust, the beauty of the volcano as it rumbles and we see the silvery glow of lava going down the side, and the building of relationships on the team is unexplainable.
I am so thankful for those who helped us in this week. Max, Samuel, Luisa, Amanda, John, Paul, and all the rest have truly been a blessing to us. I pray that we will have been as much of a blessing to them and to the people of this country.
Pray for traveling safety as we go home. We will see you this weekend.
Randy Ellens
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Last day, and what a beautiful day it was. We started out with our devotions, team picture in the front of the mission house, lots of laughs and a few jokes.
Then we went to the village to start dedicating the homes.
This is a very emotional day, both spiritually, and physically. It was my favorite day of the week. To see the faces and the tears of joy from the new home owners is beyond words.
We had a young mom give her life Jesus today, to witness that was really a powerful time for me, it was followed by a tear filled prayer - WOW made my whole trip.
Then we went to the village to start dedicating the homes.
This is a very emotional day, both spiritually, and physically. It was my favorite day of the week. To see the faces and the tears of joy from the new home owners is beyond words.
We had a young mom give her life Jesus today, to witness that was really a powerful time for me, it was followed by a tear filled prayer - WOW made my whole trip.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Tuesday Evening
It was another great day in Guatemala. We began with devotions that challenged us to quit wrestling with God as Jacob did in the Genesis passage.
After receiving instructions for the day, we split up and has some people go to the seminary to take care of some plumbing repairs, two vans when to Amor Del Nino to visit with the children in the orphanage and to do some painting. The other van went to the village to finish up with the building.
All the building is complete now and we are preparing to go back to the village tomorrow for the dedications of the homes.
The children in the orphanage were excited to see us when we arrived. We had plenty of time to play with them and then to have a Bible School with them. Bible School did not begin until the older children were done with school. These older children are the ones that we have seen many times over the past years. They recognized old friends and made new ones.
It is hard to believe that our week here is almost done. It has been a wonderful week of seeing God's blessings in many ways as well as seeing the way He is moving in Guatemala. It has been especially fun to watch the first-timers and their excitement of being in this beautiful country,seeing the way the people live and the many things that are truly a culteral experience.
Thank you for all of your prayers and continue to keep us in your prayers as begin to travel home. Also, please pray for the families that have received a house that they have a relationship with Jesus Christ or accept Him for the first time tomorrow at the dedications.
Dave and Donna Westhosue
After receiving instructions for the day, we split up and has some people go to the seminary to take care of some plumbing repairs, two vans when to Amor Del Nino to visit with the children in the orphanage and to do some painting. The other van went to the village to finish up with the building.
All the building is complete now and we are preparing to go back to the village tomorrow for the dedications of the homes.
The children in the orphanage were excited to see us when we arrived. We had plenty of time to play with them and then to have a Bible School with them. Bible School did not begin until the older children were done with school. These older children are the ones that we have seen many times over the past years. They recognized old friends and made new ones.
It is hard to believe that our week here is almost done. It has been a wonderful week of seeing God's blessings in many ways as well as seeing the way He is moving in Guatemala. It has been especially fun to watch the first-timers and their excitement of being in this beautiful country,seeing the way the people live and the many things that are truly a culteral experience.
Thank you for all of your prayers and continue to keep us in your prayers as begin to travel home. Also, please pray for the families that have received a house that they have a relationship with Jesus Christ or accept Him for the first time tomorrow at the dedications.
Dave and Donna Westhosue
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Thoughts for Sunday
Thoughts for Sunday ….
What a day we had today. We headed out to worship with the team at Paradise Bound where we met a mission team from South Olive CRC. What a beautiful setting to be in while singing praises to God. As you look around you see all of these mountains and ravines, clouds, and sun….absolutely amazing!! We had a very powerful and thought provoking message from Dan Smith of Paradise Bound. His message came from John 18:1-11. He used Peter’s example of working for God and not with God to challenge all of us to make sure we are working with God and not just for Him.
We had quite an adventure on the way out. All of our vans couldn’t make the steep, bumpy hills and had to back down, partially empty the vans, and make a run for it. After a LONG walk up the hill to meet the vans, we finally made it out and were on our way to the Market. We had lunch at a nice steakhouse in Antigua and then did some shopping.
Tonight we had the congregation from New Life Church join us for dinner and music. It was awesome to see everyone singing praises to God in their own language. We also learned a praise song in Spanish that we will be working on for the rest of the week.
We have seen a lot of beauty this week and can’t deny that God’s hand created all of this. We have also seen a lot of poverty and thank God for all of our blessings and realize how much we truly take for granted. We have done a lot of work this week so far, but there is still more to be done and we have seen God’s hand in each project we’ve been on.
Randy and Michelle Bosse
What a day we had today. We headed out to worship with the team at Paradise Bound where we met a mission team from South Olive CRC. What a beautiful setting to be in while singing praises to God. As you look around you see all of these mountains and ravines, clouds, and sun….absolutely amazing!! We had a very powerful and thought provoking message from Dan Smith of Paradise Bound. His message came from John 18:1-11. He used Peter’s example of working for God and not with God to challenge all of us to make sure we are working with God and not just for Him.
We had quite an adventure on the way out. All of our vans couldn’t make the steep, bumpy hills and had to back down, partially empty the vans, and make a run for it. After a LONG walk up the hill to meet the vans, we finally made it out and were on our way to the Market. We had lunch at a nice steakhouse in Antigua and then did some shopping.
Tonight we had the congregation from New Life Church join us for dinner and music. It was awesome to see everyone singing praises to God in their own language. We also learned a praise song in Spanish that we will be working on for the rest of the week.
We have seen a lot of beauty this week and can’t deny that God’s hand created all of this. We have also seen a lot of poverty and thank God for all of our blessings and realize how much we truly take for granted. We have done a lot of work this week so far, but there is still more to be done and we have seen God’s hand in each project we’ve been on.
Randy and Michelle Bosse
Saturday Experiences
Greetings Everyone!! We definitely appreciate all of your prayers as we continue our work in Guatemala. Fyi - The internet connection at the Mission House has been very unreliable, so we've not been able to send out info as much as we would like. Thus the post from Saturday on Sunday. There are a ton of exciting things going on!!! Too many to list…
This morning we woke up to another gorgeous day. Our devotions focused on John 4:48... "Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders you will never believe". It was in the context of Jesus healing the official's son and the official needing to trust that it was going to happen before it actually did. We talked about how receiving a house may be seen as a 'miracle' by the villagers who have next to nothing. We also talked about how there was quite a bit of trust involved....They were approached a month or so ago and perhaps told to tear down an existing structure they have on their property, level a 17 foot square patch of their tiny plot (no small feat in this hilly country), and then they would receive a house at no cost to them. I daresay that many of them have been told things before and they have not come true. The fact that they trusted was probably fairly difficult, but now they are seeing this as reality. We would like to make sure that this is not seen as ‘luck’ to them, but is seen as it really is….God providing this ‘miracle’ to them through us.
Working in the village was an incredible experience again today! There were plenty of smiles and laugher amongst the children, and a great number of relationships were formed both within our group and with the villagers. About half the group worked on houses, a few worked the concrete team (hard work!) and the rest had a blast with the kids. As I was walking between job sites I heard ‘Hosanna!!” from a bunch of children’s voices. It was a little parade of some of the VBS leaders and children beaming and singing. From what I understand, VBS went great and Millie did an awesome job along with everyone else keeping the children engaged and interested.
We handed out food in a different part of Alotenango tonight to 150 families. There were a lot of ‘Dios Te Bendiga’s (God Bless You), smiles and hugs of gratitude being exchanged. So much need…I wish I could describe the people accurately. Pictures will capture it better. Young, old, healthy, physically disabled, smiles, care-worn faces, worry, apprehension, joy...
Until next time. God Bless all of you!
Ryan Bennink
This morning we woke up to another gorgeous day. Our devotions focused on John 4:48... "Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders you will never believe". It was in the context of Jesus healing the official's son and the official needing to trust that it was going to happen before it actually did. We talked about how receiving a house may be seen as a 'miracle' by the villagers who have next to nothing. We also talked about how there was quite a bit of trust involved....They were approached a month or so ago and perhaps told to tear down an existing structure they have on their property, level a 17 foot square patch of their tiny plot (no small feat in this hilly country), and then they would receive a house at no cost to them. I daresay that many of them have been told things before and they have not come true. The fact that they trusted was probably fairly difficult, but now they are seeing this as reality. We would like to make sure that this is not seen as ‘luck’ to them, but is seen as it really is….God providing this ‘miracle’ to them through us.
Working in the village was an incredible experience again today! There were plenty of smiles and laugher amongst the children, and a great number of relationships were formed both within our group and with the villagers. About half the group worked on houses, a few worked the concrete team (hard work!) and the rest had a blast with the kids. As I was walking between job sites I heard ‘Hosanna!!” from a bunch of children’s voices. It was a little parade of some of the VBS leaders and children beaming and singing. From what I understand, VBS went great and Millie did an awesome job along with everyone else keeping the children engaged and interested.
We handed out food in a different part of Alotenango tonight to 150 families. There were a lot of ‘Dios Te Bendiga’s (God Bless You), smiles and hugs of gratitude being exchanged. So much need…I wish I could describe the people accurately. Pictures will capture it better. Young, old, healthy, physically disabled, smiles, care-worn faces, worry, apprehension, joy...
Until next time. God Bless all of you!
Ryan Bennink
What a beautiful day! We visited Paradise Bound - a ministry based in West Michigan and working here in Guatemala. Meeting the team of 12 who had recently arrived from West Olive CRC was so much fun....(dutch bingo even works this far south!) We toured the new facility: a worship center with dorms and a clinic and a new orphanage. They have work to do yet but so much has been done - the Lord is truly blessing this ministry! We worshiped together with song and message; encouraging each other in the work we will be doing in the villages this coming week. What a blessing! Leaving Paradise Bound we had to go up a VERY STEEP hill. After almost ruining 3 transmissions (not really), we all got out of the vans and literally pushed. Lunch in Antigua then a couple of hours at the local market gave us a flavor for Guatemala tourism. Tonight we welcome the local church that meets at the seminary. Supper for 130?? A noisy building full of smiles and laughter - what more could we ask for? Tomorrow it's back to work in the villages. Having a great time - wish you ALL were here! God is good!!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
We had a very busy day! After an early breakfast made by our great cooks we met for devotions and got our instruction for the day. We loaded up our three vans and one pickup full of tools and headed for the village of Alotenango about 20 miles away from the Mission House.
We were excited to begin our work and see what God had in store for us today. The village is very poor with many people living in tin shacks without running water. Many have dirt floors. We cannot imagine that this is the norm here. We have so much that we take for granted!
We drove up an alley barely big enough for two vehicles to meet. There are children running everywhere excited to see us. The sites for us to build on were prepared and leveled. They were in small spots located by older, falling apart shacks. We began each house by first praying with the family and asking God to bless our efforts.

We spent the day working on the homes we are building, playing with the children and holding a VBS in the alley. Not like any VBS you've seen before! Even with the difference in our language, we were able to make many friends and share the love of Jesus with them. The love of Jesus is the same in any language.
We were blessed today by each other, by the men & women whose families we were able to help, by the children who bring laughter and smiles wherever they go but mostly by our Heavenly Father. We are thankful he has given us the opportunity to serve him this way. We pray for the families we met today that they may see the love of Jesus through us.
We were excited to begin our work and see what God had in store for us today. The village is very poor with many people living in tin shacks without running water. Many have dirt floors. We cannot imagine that this is the norm here. We have so much that we take for granted!
We drove up an alley barely big enough for two vehicles to meet. There are children running everywhere excited to see us. The sites for us to build on were prepared and leveled. They were in small spots located by older, falling apart shacks. We began each house by first praying with the family and asking God to bless our efforts.

We spent the day working on the homes we are building, playing with the children and holding a VBS in the alley. Not like any VBS you've seen before! Even with the difference in our language, we were able to make many friends and share the love of Jesus with them. The love of Jesus is the same in any language.
We were blessed today by each other, by the men & women whose families we were able to help, by the children who bring laughter and smiles wherever they go but mostly by our Heavenly Father. We are thankful he has given us the opportunity to serve him this way. We pray for the families we met today that they may see the love of Jesus through us.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Thursday, Day 1
We all arrived safely and on time. Thank you all for your prayers. Once again our "luggage angel" came along and got us through customs without one bag being searched or even x-rayed.
Tomorrow our day will begin with breakfast at 6:00 am and devotions at 6:45. Lots of excitement by the team as we will also go to the village we will be working in for the week. We have been told that this village is about a 45 minute drive away.
Please continue to pray for the health of the team, safety of all and for the families that we will be building homes for as well as the children that we will teach in VBS.
Blessings to all of you
Thank you again for all your prayers.
Dave & Donna
Tomorrow our day will begin with breakfast at 6:00 am and devotions at 6:45. Lots of excitement by the team as we will also go to the village we will be working in for the week. We have been told that this village is about a 45 minute drive away.
Please continue to pray for the health of the team, safety of all and for the families that we will be building homes for as well as the children that we will teach in VBS.
Blessings to all of you
Thank you again for all your prayers.
Dave & Donna
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